Scott Moe met with SaskParty candidates today in Saskatoon to release the party’s full platform. Moe greeted candidates in front of Remai Modern while physically distanced and while wearing masks. He was then joined inside by candidates Donna Haurpauer (Humboldt-Watrous), Gord Wyant (Saskatoon-North West), Paul Merriman (Saskatoon-Silversprings-Sutherland), and Jim Reiter (Rosetown-Elrose) to reveal their platform.
Moe says they will be sending a copy of the platform to every resident in the province. The platform includes a balanced budget by 2024, something Moe says the NDP doesn’t have. Moe says the NDP plan to balance the budget includes a plan to make a plan to balance budget. He calls a plan to make a plan utter nonsense, saying the election is now and voters deserve to see an NDP plan, now. Moe says he wants voters to compare their record to that of the NDP’s. Part of the SaskParty’s platform calls for creating 100,000 jobs by 2030, while growing Saskatchewan another 1.4 million at the same time.
The total cost of the Saskatchewan Party platform is $93 million in the current fiscal year, $345.3 million next year, $205.3 million in 2022, $123.6 million in 2023 and $81.6 million in 2024.