The City of Prince Albert says property owners in some areas of the City will see shifts in their property tax bill. It’s because of the 2021 revaluation which is a required reassessment of property values every four years. In 2021, properties were updated to reflect their value as of January 1, 2019.
Vanessa Vaughan, City Assessor for Prince Albert says, “To arrive at updated values, we examined the sales transaction information in the City.” She says, “Based on the data, there are certain areas in higher demand which means properties held value or increased in value. Other areas where sales were lower saw their assessment value drop.”
If a property increased in value there will be an increase in property taxes. In some cases, properties decreased in value but may still experience an increase in property taxes. In these cases, the city says it is because the drop in value of that property was less than the drop in value of properties in other areas of the City.
Property owners are reminded that property taxes cannot be appealed. Only the assessed value of a property can be appealed based on an error in the data used to arrive at the valuation.

Prince Albert Completes Property Reassessments
By Gord Wiebe
May 26, 2021 | 10:22 AM