With the province’s plan of getting back to relative normality on July 11, the City of Saskatoon continues the process of preparing for a gradual and full resumption of the remaining impacted programs and services.
The City’s approach to recovery is to be phased and methodical.
Preparations include returning staff to the workplace who have been working at home since the onset of the pandemic, by September 1. .
Masking and physical distancing requirements during the transition period will be guided by provincial directives.
Until July 11, when visiting an indoor civic facility, including while riding a bus, protocols must still be followed including those who have received a COVID-19 vaccination. This includes wearing a mask and maintaining physical distance.
Saskatoon Transit is reviewing options and consulting regulations and practices across Canada. The city says operator vinyl barriers will remain on buses and the number of riders will be monitored as they transition to full standing loads in July.
The Payment Centre, Customer Service & Collections counters located in the lobby of City Hall continue to be open for in-person transactions. Additional customer services, previously available on other floors of City Hall, may be available from the lobby starting September 1. Access to the remainder of City Hall will be reviewed along with cafeteria services on the fourth floor.
Residents and customers are still encouraged to continue to use convenient online services.
Announced earlier, City Council meetings will resume in Chambers this September. Watch for more details on upcoming in-person meetings as they are announced.
Leisure Centres and seasonal facilities and attractions will be preparing to increase regular programming in the Fall. Details will be available on the City’s website and social media channels, and in the seasonal Leisure Guide, available starting Friday, August 6 on saskatoon.ca/leisureguide or to pick up at any at leisure facility, library or over 120 retail locations.
Watch for more information and announcements regarding programs and services at saskatoon.ca.