SUMA’s president does not want to see a repeat of the back-to-back elections last fall with the provincial election scheduled October 28th and municipal elections on November 13th of 2024. Rodger Hayward says unofficially he has heard from most municipalities in the province that it’s too confusing to hold them that close together and you never know what the weather is going to be like in November.
There was an unprecedented storm during the municipal election which meant some communities continued on, others postponed until a later date, and others, like Saskatoon, closed early and then held a second voting opportunity on Friday the 13th.
The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities’ Association will be sending out a survey to its members and when that is tabulated, Hayward says they will contact the province and Saskatchewan’s Chief Electoral Officer to see if a solution can be found. In August, Chief Electoral Officer Dr. Michael Boda put forward a recommendation to avoid overlapping provincial – municipal election periods in future years.