The Saskatchewan government cites that a total of 161 job offers have been made to Filipino health care workers to come to Saskatchewan and work in this province. Of that total, 138 are Registered Nurses, 21 are Continuing Care Assistants, two are Medical Lab Assistants and one Continuing Care Assistant has already begun working in Moose Jaw. This, after a recruitment trip to the Philippines in late November.
The Health Ministry adds that 84 people have been hired for rural and remote locations experiencing service disruptions, and as of December 9th, 24 positions are in the hiring process and 5 are posted. About 74 per cent have been filled by casual, temporary or part-time staff. There is an incentive of up to $50,000 for a three-year return-in-service agreement for these hard to recruit areas. As well, as of late November, the Ministry had received over 600 applications from internationally educated health care works already in Saskatchewan or in Canada.