BHP Canada has been a foundation supporter of STARS since the not-for-profit helicopter ambulance service began in Saskatchewan in 2012 and to date has donated more than $6.3-million. Vice President of Projects with BHP, Simon Thomas, says STARS is vital to rural and remote areas. BHP is constructing the Jansen potash mine about 140 kilometres east of Saskatoon. He says, if you consider the location of the mine and with that number of people living in and around the project site, “the services of the STARS team are vital to us ensuring we have the right level of response and we have the right level of support.”
STARS’ Chief Fundraising and Brand Officer, Terri Strunk, says BHP’s investment in the renewal of the helicopter fleet will allow STARS to be innovative in how they deliver critical care. “We are really taking an ICU to the patient. It helps saves lives because it helps save time and that’s important.”
A former patient of STARS, Caiden Hendry spoke at the funding announcement at the STARS base in Saskatoon. He explains that when he was 12 years old, living in the Nokomis area, he seriously injured his leg while dirt biking. STARS picked him up and took him to Royal University Hospital. He says, “My experience with this organization has shown the importance of helping others and making sure that everyone, regardless of where they choose to live, has access to the same life saving surgery that I had access to.”
Strunk says thanks to support from donors like BHP, their renewed helicopter fleet has now entered service at all six STARS bases across Western Canada.
(in the donation picture: Terri Strunk, STARS, Simon Thomas, BHP, Darcy McKay, STARS, Caiden Hendry, Very Important Patient, Tammy Beauregard, STARS)