Over 70 students from Saskatoon high schools gathered at the Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters for the Speak Out! Saskatoon event on Friday.
The event has been taking place annual for over 15 years, and it aims to answer the questions of students regarding crime, bullying, gang-related issues, safety, and drug and alcohol abuse. The students listened to speeches from dignitaries in police, fire, and EMS. The keynote speaker, Detective Sergeant Matt Ingrouille, spoke on drugs, side effects, risks, overdoses, and the global impact of the illicit drug trade.
He also touched on the link between past trauma and addiction and how these factors lead to crime. As a community, he says we need to figure out how to replace crime and chaos with services and support if the drug and overdose crises are to get any better. He says it is very important to remove the judgement and stigma attached to drug usage, as well.
To follow the presentation, inquiring students had the opportunity pick his brain. The most common questions related to different types of drugs, their effects on the body, safe consumption sites, and the operation of naloxone kits.
Students then broke into groups to discuss the same issues with their peers before presenting their thoughts to a panel of representatives from the community, including Mayor Charlie Clark, Police Chief Troy Cooper, and Fire Chief Morgan Hackl.