When you are out and about exploring one of Saskatoon’s parks this summer, take a picture or a video and post it on social media tagging the city and usings the hashtag #ExploreYXEParks.
The City of Saskatoon has chosen locations which are easy to connect to with transit and active transportation routes.
Each spot has a unique outdoor experience, and the City says some are hidden gems.
Each social media post gives you a chance to win one of 14 prize packs, which include a $100 Leisure Gift Card.
Participants are required to tag @CityofSaskatoon and use the hashtag #ExploreYXEParks.
List of Parks:
Kiwanis Memorial Park
Morris T Cherneskey Park
Girgulis Park
Victoria Park
Lions Skate Park
Rik Steernberg Park
Anita Langford Park
Al Anderson Park
Draggins Car Club Park,
Dr Seager Wheeler Park
C Jack Mackenzie Park, Rendall Park
Hyde Park
Donna Birkmaier Park
Briarwood Park
Beckett Green Park
Arbor Creek Park
Budz Green Park
Richards Park
Misaskwatomina Park
Funk Park
Klombies Park
Cannam Park,
Prebble Park
John Brockelbank Park
George Dyck Park
Jill Postlethwaite Park,
Lacoursiere Park
McEown Park
Greystone Park