With an end goal of creating an ‘Innovation Corridor’, site-preparation has begun for the new Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus located near Innovation Place, and just a few steps away from the University of Saskatchewan.
President of Sask. Polytech Larry Rosia says once complete, it will be the only campus in Canada that features a university, a polytechnic, and a research park. He says this will attract professors, students, and researchers to the city.
He says it will also allow for more efficient collaborations between those at all three institutions.
“Right now, probably 30 per cent of the students that come to us have a university credential, now they’re wanting the hands-on applied industry connection. There’s a good portion of our students that also go on the university, so that interplay is very important,” he explains. “Students may want to take a few courses from the University of Saskatchewan, and then go work with ana entrepreneur in the (research) park.”
Rosia says design and groundwork will commence immediately on Sequence One of the project.
“We’ve put it in sequences. So, Sequence One will be the new Technology and Trades Building, followed by Sequence Two, which will be a health sciences building. Those two areas have insatiable demand for our graduates, and industry needs our graduates, so we need to get moving on those two as quickly as possible.”
A Student Services building will come third.
He adds that the project’s fundraising campaign has collected 60 per cent of its $100 million goal, with $30 million coming from local donors and philanthropists. Forty-million more dollars must be raised.
“We’ll need support from philanthropic donations. We’ll need support from municipal, provincial, federal government, and we’re looking for ways to do that. In order to move this project forward, that’s going to be a key piece of it.”
Liam Walsh, a second-year student in the Design and Manufacturing Engineering Technology Program, says he is excited for the future of post-secondary education in the province.
“I’m hoping that I’ll still be associated with Sask. Poly when the time comes, when it’s being built, so I can really tour the building, check it out. I’m very excited for the future students to have the opportunity to attend a nice campus in a nice area, too.”
Construction is expected to start as early as 2026.

Dr. Larry Rosia