The Saskatchewan NDP says a loophole in provincial conflict of interest legislation is allowing a former Sask. Party MLA to get away with breaking the law.
During the recent election campaign, the Conflict-of-Interest Commissioner found former Sask. Party MLA Gary Grewal guilty of raising the rates at his motel when government ministers stayed there, profiteering over $731,000.
Ethics Critic Meara Conway says conflict of interest legislation in other provinces allows for fines of up to $50,000, but there is a loophole in Saskatchewan’s legislation which prevents former MLAs for being penalized. Grewal lost his seat in the recent election.
“With the law as it currently stands, the Sask. Party government is basically saying that MLAs can break the law, line their pockets with public money, so long as they don’t run again. No fine. No punishment.”
Conway adds that the Premier has commented that “there is no precedence for penalizing a private citizen.”
“It’s incredibly disappointing to see the Premier run interference for a former Sask. Party MLA who is still getting a transitional salary, who did this conduct while he was a Sask. Party MLA, ignoring this conduct happened while under his watch. To the Premier, I say, show me the precedence for a government MLA who profiteered three quarters of a million illegitimately.”
The NDP are now calling for improved conflict of interest laws, so that they can put an end to corruption within the Sask. Party government.