Being a former Governor General proves to be very profitable. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to rein in the Governor General pension plan before a new appointment is made. Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director for the CTF says, “These platinum-platted pensions would be unthinkable for most Canadians.”
The CTF estimates that the five living former governors general will receive more than $18 million if they continue to collect their pensions to age 90.
The CTF says former governors general are eligible for the full pension regardless of how long they serve in the role. Even though Julie Payette only served for a little more than three years, she will still receive an estimated $4.8 million if she continues to collect the Governor General pension to age 90.
In addition to the annual pension, former governors general can expense taxpayers for $206,040 per year for the rest of their lives and up to six months after their death. The Governor General’s annual salary is $302,114, according to the 2019-20 public accounts of Canada.

CTF Seeks to Put an End to Platinum Pensions of Governors General
By Gord Wiebe
Jun 23, 2021 | 8:18 AM