Premier Scott Moe has announced changes to the provincial cabinet, with five current ministers switching to different ministries, two new MLAs added to the cabinet, and ten others retaining their current portfolio.
Gordon Wyant was the Minster of Justice and Attorney General. That position will now be held by former Minister of Energy and Resources, Bronwyn Eyre, the first ever female in this role. Wyant becomes the Minister of Advanced Education, replacing Gene Makowsky, who will become the Minister of Social Services.
Jim Reiter takes over Eyre’s position as Minister of Energy and Resources, and replacing him as the Minister of SaskBuilds and Procurement, Minister responsible for the Public Service Commission, and Minister responsible for the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority is Lori Carr.
Two MLAs are no longer in the provincial cabinet. Fred Bradshaw was the Minister of Highways with responsibility for the Water Security Agency. Replacing him is Jeremy Cockrill. Warren Kaeding is being replaced as Minister of Environment by Dana Skoropad. The provincial cabinet total remains the same at 18, including the Premier.
10 other MLAs retain their current cabinet portfolios:
- Donna Harpauer remains Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance.
- Don Morgan remains Minister of Crown Investments Corporation and becomes Minister responsible for all major crown corporations, including SaskEnergy, SGI, SaskPower, SaskTel, SaskGaming and SaskWater. Morgan remains Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety and Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board.
- Dustin Duncan remains Minister of Education.
- Christine Tell remains Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety.
- Jeremy Harrison remains Minister of Trade and Export Development and Minister of Immigration and Career Training, Minister Responsible for Innovation Saskatchewan and Minister Responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan.
- David Marit remains Minister of Agriculture and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.
- Paul Merriman remains Minister of Health.
- Don McMorris remains Minister of Government Relations, Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs, and Minister Responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission.
- Laura Ross remains Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.
- Everett Hindley remains Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health.
Premier announces Legislative Secretary Appointments and Government House Leadership:
House Leadership:
- Jeremy Harrison will continue to serve as Government House Leader.
- Lori Carr will serve as Deputy Government House Leader.
- Greg Ottenbreit will continue to serve as Government Whip.
- Alana Ross will serve as Government Deputy Whip.
Legislative Secretaries:
- MLA Lyle Stewart continues to serve as Legislative Secretary to the Premier Responsible for Provincial Autonomy.
- MLA David Buckingham continues to serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister Responsible for SaskTel and SGI.
- MLA Doug Steele continues to serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister Responsible for SaskPower and SaskEnergy.
- MLA Todd Goudy will serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Education.
- MLA Ken Francis will serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Trade and Export Development.
- MLA Terry Dennis will serve as Legislative Secretary Responsible for Saskatchewan – Ukraine Relations.
- MLA Alana Ross will serve as Legislative Secretary Responsible for forestry to the Minister of Energy and Resources.
- MLA Daryl Harrison will serve as Legislative Secretary Responsible for value-added agriculture and livestock engagement to the Minister of Agriculture.
- MLA Jim Lemaigre will serve as Legislative Secretary Responsible for Mental Health and Addictions to the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health.
- MLA Terry Jenson will serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Social Services.
- MLA Marvin Friesen will serve as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport.
All legislative secretaries will receive $3,000 in remuneration for their additional responsibilities, below the full remuneration amount designated for legislative secretaries.