A comprehensive review of rear lane pickup in Saskatoon for waste will be launched in conjunction with mandatory organics recycling which goes into effect this year. The news came to light after a Saskatoon City Councillor said some of the residents in her ward were having accessibility issues with their back lane garbage bins. Cynthia Block asked what would be required if a neighbourhood wanted to change where their garbage is picked up.
General Manager of Utilities and Environment, Angela Gardiner, says a report is expected in 2024 with some options or recommendations on where pick up locations may, or may not need to change, for those locations whose pick-up is currently rear lane.
In regard to snow removal and accessibility, Director of Roadways, Goran Saric, explains that the level of service in the emergency response plan indicates that snow removal doesn’t happen until phase 5, and he understands that sometimes snow ends up on the sidewalk, no matter how much care is taken. He suggests if the amount of snow impedes accessibility to the sidewalk, notify the customer care centre, and someone will come out and have a look. The same thing goes for driveways.
Yesterday (Wed) was the first City Council meeting that was held according to the new schedule. City Council meetings in the past have been held on Monday and they are now taking place on Wednesdays. In addition, they start at 9:30 a.m. not 1 p.m.