The Francophone School Board is getting new schools in Saskatoon and Prince Albert. In Saskatoon, the planned location is in the Kensington neighbourhood, adjacent to Lions Century Park. When complete, it will accommodate up to 400 Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 students and will provide 51 childcare spaces.
Erik Tremblay with the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises says the new school in Kensington is an additional school for their Saskatoon French community. There is already an elementary school on Albert Avenue and a high school on Louise Avenue in Saskatoon.
The new CÉF school in Prince Albert will replace École Valois and will be designed to accommodate up to 350 Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 students, including 51 childcare spaces. It will be located near the Alfred Jenkins Field House.
In a news release the government says it and the CÉF are working with the City of Saskatoon and the City of Prince Albert and will soon begin procuring project managers to ensure the specific needs of the Francophone community.